City Gospel Mission
The Thanksgiving Exchange (November)
The Thanksgiving Exchange provides a place where low-income families can shop for their own Thanksgiving groceries at a price they can afford. This allows them the joy of providing for their family instead of receiving a handout. It is held during the weekend and days leading up to Thanksgiving. NCCC has provided the hands and feet needed for this annual Thanksgiving Exchange for many years.
Tuesday, November 26 5:30-8:30 pm
Westwood First Presbyterian Church
registration required
Tuesday, November 26 5:30-8:30 pm
Westwood First Presbyterian Church
registration required
The Christmas Store (December)
The Christmas Store gives low-income families the opportunity to shop and provide presents for their children at very low prices they can afford. It is held a week before Christmas. North Cincinnati Community Church has enjoyed a long-standing relationship of giving to and serving this mission.
North Cincy has committed to donating 80 gifts - 20 from each of 4 categories. Pickup a gift tag from the CGM Christmas tree for more details on what to purchase.
North Cincy has committed to donating 80 gifts - 20 from each of 4 categories. Pickup a gift tag from the CGM Christmas tree for more details on what to purchase.
November 24 - December 8
Bring gifts to NCCC un-wrapped
November 24 - December 8
Bring gifts to NCCC un-wrapped

Rosenow Care Fund
The Rosenow Family Sponsorship Program is a ministry of North Cincinnati Community Church that seeks to facilitate and provide financial assistance to the Rosenow Family’s ever-growing food and grocery budget that exceeds $6,000 per month by providing regular and ongoing financial resources through a sponsorship program. Please note that all gifts given to the Rosenow family through the Rosenow Family Sponsorship Program are non-tax deductible gifts. These non-tax deductible gifts are given directly to the Rosenow family through the Rosenow Care Fund that gets depleted on the first Monday of each month in the form of a lump sum check sent directly to Scott & Kathy Rosenow to be used as needed.