Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
North Cincy Kids (NCK) seeks to follow the vision of the church by providing opportunities for the youngest children in our church to become followers of Jesus. NCK aims to connect young children to the body of Christ so that they may grow in faith and one day serve the one true God.

Sunday Mornings
Nursery care is provided for kids ages 0-3 years. Children's classes are offered for kids aged 4 years to 6th grade. Our teachers use the reformed curriculum, Dwell. Read more about Dwell here.
*There is no Sunday School during the Summer.
*There is no Sunday School during the Summer.
Nursery care is provided for kids ages 0-3 years. Children aged 4 years to 1st grade join their parents in the sanctuary for the first half of worship and are dismissed to Children’s Church just before the sermon begins.